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masonr/yet-another-bench-script: YABS - a simple bash script to estimate Linux server performance using fio, iperf3, & Geekbench
Architecture and Tuning of Memory in PostgreSQL Databases | Severalnines
Enter your product key for a Microsoft business product or service | Microsoft Learn
Get Started With Proxmox: Easy Installation And Configuration Tips! - YouTube
Make more networks with this feature - How to Create a VLAN // OPNsense Firewall - YouTube
How to Resize or Reduce Photo Size on Mac
Security Certification Roadmap - Paul Jerimy Media
ios - How do I set an .m4r file ringtone I airdropped to my iPhone 13? - Ask Different
encryption - What are ssh-keygen best practices? - Information Security Stack Exchange
GitHub - beerisgood/Windows11_Hardening: a collection about Windows 11
configparser — Configuration file parser — Python 3.12.2 documentation
python - What is 'extra' in pypi dependency? - Stack Overflow
Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in macOS Keychain Access - SSL.com
Unable to Complete Windows 11* Installation, as “Let’s...
Solved: 7740 Driver Unavailable Windows 11 - HP Support Community - 8695052
🚀 Sécurité des données des NAS Synology - Infomaniak
Get-FileHash (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
The Mini PC You SHOULD Be Looking At - YouTube
Building a Power Efficient Home Server! - Youtube
GitHub - tonsky/FiraCode: Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
How to install Python 3.11 on Mac - Code2care
macos - ZSH shell setting up paths - Ask Different
How to automatically mount network drives on macOS | iMore
Ukelele - SIL Language Technology - SIL Language Technology
GitHub - pbatard/rufus: The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
Tools for OSForensics - ImageUSB - Write an image to multiple USB Flash Drives
SKS poisoning, keys.openpgp.org / Hagrid and other non-solutions – Michał Górny
Marp: Markdown Presentation Ecosystem
How to Publish an Open-Source Python Package to PyPI – Real Python
Using Git Bash With Custom Installation Of GPG / GnuPG « blog.plee.me
Instant-Gaming.com - Vos jeux PC & MAC jusqu'à -70% ! Steam, Origin, Uplay, Indies, Livraison instantanée, 24/7 !
Datawrapper: Create charts, maps, and tables
javascript - Drag and drop ordering of formset with extra entries - Stack Overflow
Martina Chyba - Le télétravail - Linkedin
What’s So Great About Obsidian: Daily Notes, Block References, and More - YouTube
Don't copy-paste commands from webpages — you can get hacked
GitHub - 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening: Windows Hardening settings and configurations
SecCon-Framework/windows-security-configuration-framework.md at master · microsoft/SecCon-Framework · GitHub
GitHub - microsoft/PowerToys: Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
How law enforcement gets around your smartphone’s encryption | Ars Technica
* Shows python code * : programminghorror
What’s a code review? : programminghorror
7 techniques pour reprendre le contrôle de ton legacy code - Je suis un dev
Notion Review - Techuisite - Medium
TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Explained in Plain English
Certificate of Advanced Studies en Protection des données - unidistance.ch
Cryptomator: Free Cloud Encryption for Dropbox & Others
The Best Home Network Setup for great Performance —
Color Hunt - Color Palettes for Designers and Artists
.NET 4.6.2 and long paths on Windows 10 – Jeremy Kuhne's Blog
python - Using Pylint with Django - Stack Overflow
Here’s how to make your cloud infrastructure stable, secure, and scalable.
Moving uploads and backups to DigitalOcean Block Storage - howto / sysadmin - Discourse Meta
CLOC -- Count Lines of Code
Windows 7 – Comment réparer la mise à jour ? - Korben
Object Serialization in .NET
Best Git Client 2018 - Features | GitKraken
New Features in C# 6 | C# Frequently Asked Questions
Enterprise Programming Tricks For Clean Code - YouTube
Github sort Teletype, un plugin Atom pour coder de manière collaborative – Korben
IanDarwin/Android-Cookbook-Examples - GitHub
BlueFiles - Sécurisez l'envoi de vos données confidentielles - Korben
Créez votre robot conversationnel avec VISEO (a.k.a. SARAH v5) - Korben
How to: Use a Background Worker
Comment empêcher un redémarrage automatique de Windows - Korben
Calling a Web API From a .NET Client (C#) | Microsoft Docs
JustDecompile .NET Assembly Decompiler & Browser - Telerik
Abonnement NewsMail - OFS - Admin.ch
DS216+II - Produits | Synology Inc.
Sécuriser facilement et gratuitement un site avec HTTPS - Korben
Détecter la config SSL et les vulnérabilités associées - Korben.info
Bulletin de santé d’Internet - Mozilla
PoisonTap - Récupérer des cookies, exposer un routeur interne, installer des backdoors, tout ça sur un ordinateur verrouillé, avec un simple Raspberry Pi Zero à 5$ - Korben
How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016
revealing Dropbox’s dirty little security hack |
How to Untrust the Suspicious Blue Coat Certificate Authority on Mac or Windows « Null Byte
Mint login screen: wrong keyboard layout - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Sandstorm – Une plateforme open source pour votre cloud personnel «
Set up Discourse in the cloud in under 30 minutes
Concevez votre site web avec PHP et MySQL
Activer toutes les versions de Windows et d’Office avec Microsoft Toolkit ! | geekz0ne.fr
Windows, Privacy, and You | The Verge
Windows 7 et 8 - Le tracking vous concerne aussi. - Korben
30 Ways Your Windows 10 Computer Phones Home to Microsoft
How to Quash Firefox's Silent Requests - Slashdot
Comment activer les extensions que Firefox n'approuve pas ? - Korben
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers | Our coder's life - Part 11
Décryptage des données : où en était la NSA en 2012... et aujourd'hui ? - Next INpact
Let's Encrypt
Are Apple, Google, Microsoft And Mozilla Helping Governments Carry Out Man-In-The-Middle Attacks? | Techdirt
encryption - How do I quickly encrypt a file with AES? - Ask Ubuntu
Gruveo - L'outil parfait pour vos appels vidéo « Korben
No Facebook, no iPhone, no problem: how I declared my digital independence | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free | theguardian.com
Dinner for one - YouTube
Download Wrappers and Unwanted Software are pure evil - Scott Hanselman
Tiny Drag and Drop Upload
How to change the default Netbeans project directory